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South Asian IBD Alliance’s Mission

South Asian IBD Alliance (SAIA) aims to create resources, research and education for IBD patients and healthcare providers of South Asian origin to minimize disparities, dispel stigma, promote early diagnosis and improve access to treatment.


SAIA Memberships

We are proud to announce our new membership platform! Become a member today and show your support for SAIA! Please be sure to take a moment to set up your account upon registering.

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SAIA is proud to announce Tina Aswani-Omprakash, MPH as our full-time CEO!

SAIA is honoured to announce that Tina Aswani-Omprakash, MPH is now our full-time Chief Executive Officer 🎉🎉 Tina is a patient advocate and thought leader par excellence, with several years of experience in spearheading international health advocacy efforts within and...

IBDesis Patient Support Group

IBDesis is the award-winning patient advocacy arm of SAIA and has a mission to unite and empower South Asians living with IBD around the globe. At SAIA, we recognise the importance of non-judgmental spaces in supporting and empowering patients and their caregivers to seek timely care, advocate for themselves and lead full lives. To ensure no IBD patient feels alone in their journey, we run a private patient support group on Facebook for IBD patients and caregivers of South Asian origin.”