In-Person Events
Upcoming Events
Bridging The Communication Gap For Better IBD Care: A Collaborative Approach
We’re backkkkk! SAIA, Monday Night IBD, and COGI are thrilled to invite you to round 2 of Bridging the Communication Gap for Better IBD Care: A Collaborative Approach! Join us on Sunday, May 4 from 5:00 – 8:00pm PST at LUMI Rooftop in San Diego.
Past Events
Save the Date #ACG2024
IBD Conclave 1.0, Hyderabad India July 6th and 7th 2024
SAIA is thrilled to work in association with Yashoda Hospitals to bring to you IBD Conclave 1.0 at Hyderabad, India! Organized by SAIA’s very own Dr. Kiran Peddi, several SAIA leaders, including Dr. Sumit Bhatia, Dr Vishal Sharma, Prof. Shaji Sebastian, Dr Parakkal Deepak and Dr. Anuraag Jena, will be speaking at this conference on July 6th and 7th, 2024.
The conference also includes a hands-on Intestinal Ultrasound Training Workshop for IBD specialists to learn this non-invasive technology for IBD monitoring and a unique patient support group event, moderated by Madhura Balasubramaniam and SAIA’s Patient Advocates.
Pfizer's Uninhibited Summit, Warsaw Poland June 19th and 20th, 2024
SAIA is thrilled to be attending & tabling at Pfizer’s Uninhibited IBD Summit in Warsaw, Poland, on 19-20 June
Our President, Tina, will be speaking on the following topics: 1) Patient perspectives & global health equity considerations on the use of Intestinal Ultrasound (IUS) in monitoring IBD & 2) SAIA’s work in understanding mental health in IBD, including the rates of IBD-related post-traumatic stress (PTS) in the South Asian IBD population
DDW, May 2024 - Bridging the Communication Gap for Better IBD Care: A Collaborative Approach
In collaboration with Monday Night IBD, COGI, and other patient advocacy organizations, SAIA was proud to present a double sold-out didactic program at DDW 2024:
Bridging the Communication Gap for Better IBD Care on Sat, May 18 5-8pm ET in D.C.
Patients as Partners Europe
Our Patient Advocate Sharan Khela will be attending Patients as Partners Europe this year as a panelist! This panel aims to debunk common myths, highlight the impact of diverse participation on research outcomes, and advocate for more inclusive approaches to clinical research.
Join Sharan and many other industry giants at Patients as Partners Europe! Register with SAIA’s discount code SAIA 20.

AAPI - July 2023
Our very own Dr Neilanjan Nandi represented SAIA at American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI)’s 41st annual convention in Philadelphia in July 2023!
The goal of this presentation was to ensure PCPs and other physicians of Indian origin understand how rapidly IBD is growing in the South Asian community. This way referrals to gastroenterologists can be made quickly and patients can get more timely diagnosis and appropriate care.

Yashoda - SAIA IBD Walk, May 2023
On World IBD Day 2023, Yashoda Hospital, in collaboration with SAIA, hosted India’s first IBD Walk in Hyderabad. The walk aimed to create much needed awareness and acceptance of IBD in South Asia and over 500 people including clinicians, patients, caregivers and members of the public joined the walk.
DDW, May 2023 - Unconscious Bias: Now You See It, Maybe You Don't? A Blindspot Revealed
SAIA in collaboration with AGA, COCCI, and Medscape Education, presented a unique event at DDW 2023: “Now You See It, Maybe You Don’t? A Blindspot Revealed.”
A person living with IBD and a clinician discussed real-life case scenarios experienced by Black and South Asian people during the diagnosis and management of their IBD.
DDW, May 2023 - Breaking Borders: Optimizing Care for South Asians with IBD in the Mainland and Beyond
SAIA hosted our inaugural in-person CME symposium, in partnership with Clinical Care Options (CCO), at DDW 2023. We held an important panel presentation and discussion on the unique challenges the South Asian IBD patient community faces along with the epidemiology of South Asian IBD and delivering high quality care in the East vs the West.
To check out the resources created via this event, please click the button below.
Yashoda Hospital-SAIA Conference: IBD Update 2022

Yashoda Hospital and SAIA presented South Asia’s first-ever patient-clinician collaborative IBD conference, IBD Update 2022. The American College of Gastroenterology and the Colitis and Crohn’s Foundation, India endorsed this hybrid conference.
The conference was organized by a patient-clinician team comprising of SAIA’s board members: Dr. Kiran Peddi, Dr. Sumit Bhatia, Dr. Parakkal Deepak, Dr. Shrinivas Bishu & Tina Aswani-Omprakash,
There was an exclusive patient empowerment session featuring 6 South Asian IBD advocates and clinician experts covering a wide range of topics including diet & IBD, mental health & IBD, biologics, clinical trials, vaccines and health maintenance in IBD patients, & the importance of a nurse practitioner in IBD management.
As part of the clinician sessions, there were presentations from leading South Asian IBD experts on a variety of topics on best practices in IBD management.