Authors: Tina Aswani Omprakash, Vishal Sharma, Shrinivas Bishu, Madhura Balasubramaniam, Sumit Bhatia, Neilanjan Nandi, Neha D Shah, Parakkal Deepak, Shaji Sebastian
Journal: Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology
DOI: 10.1016/S2468-1253(21)00336-8
Addressing unmet needs from a new frontier of IBD: the South Asian IBD Alliance highlights the unique challenges and disparities in IBD care faced by the South Asian IBD community.
The article introduces the South Asian IBD Alliance and lays out the alliance’s key aims. SAIA is the first international patient-clinician collaborative initiative in the IBD space. Through its focus on patient outreach and advocacy, professional development for multidisciplinary IBD clinicians, research centered on pathogenesis of IBD, South Asian phenotypic distinctions and collaborative partnerships, SAIA hopes to address unmet needs and improve care for South Asian IBD patients.