
Tina featured on the cover of ACG Magazine
December 2021
Tina Aswani-Omprakash was featured on the cover of the American College of Gastroenterology’s magazine in the winter 2021 issue.
The article outlines Tina’s arduous journey with Crohn’s disease and her advocacy work through her platform, Own Your Crohn’s. She shares her vision for change through SAIA & its patient advocacy arm, IBDesis!

Sharan & Surakhsha featured on the cover of Crohn’s & Colitis UK’s Connect Magazine
October 2021
Sharan Khela and Surakhsha Soond were featured on the cover of Crohn’s and Colitis UK’s Connect Magazine in the Autumn 2021 issue!
In this feature, Sharan and Surakhsha share their personal experiences of being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease as pediatric patients and the psychosocial barriers they have had to navigate in their journeys. They speak about how IBDesis was formed and how the team joined hands with clinicians to form SAIA with the goal of improving IBD care for the global South Asian community.